Friday, September 19, 2008

Long Time no See

I havn't written on this blog in a while. It's fun to read back on what I wrote back then, remembering what was going on in my life then. Lot's of changes! It feels nice to grow older; although I refuse to ever consider myself old. I'm really enjoying my studio. It's a nice wide open space. It is Friday morning and my wood class was cancelled. :( It's actually sort of good since, now I have more time to study for the MTEL tomorrow :0. I loath that test. I've been avoiding it all Summer. Perhaps I've been letting it consume me. I need to chose a topic to make to. I've been thinking a lot about personal growth lately and how important it is to break away from comfortable situations when you know its only in the way of something new and helpful. I'll have to meditate on that thought and hopefully some sort of image, or form will come to my mind....