Friday, March 30, 2007

process continues

These are some updated photos. I bought some epoxy which definitely works. It just means I'll have to hold down every piece w/ tape while it dries. I also found a fan which I need to bring up to the room so I'm not affected by the chemicals and to speed up the drying process. To adhere glass on glass I'm going to have to use UV adhesive which requires a blue light in order to dry. It dries so fast! Julio showed me a demo of it. I talked to a couple of my friends who had some great suggestions. Since I want the piece to be interactive, I'm going to need to form a pathway into the dirt which will make it clear for people to know where they need to travel within the space. I will either bury bottles more than half way into the dirt to create a pathway or I'll construct some glass pieces to look like plants in the space to make a clear direction.Well that's it for now...

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