Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Pump it out!

I've decided its time to move on from the wood and start with the other materials. I have 2 wooden frames complete and have moved all my materials to the room I will be working in from here on out. I am going back to school shortly to pick up some apoxy glue and test it out with the glass. It should work. If it does I will buy my own. Right now I'm in the process of spray painting the tarps I will be using for the dirt. I took out a camera from the Av dept. to document the work and forgot to bring it back on time. They charge a dollar an hour so I had to give $17!! I think that is crazy. Way too much money. Oh well. So heres what I have so far. I just want to get this thing done, it wont escape my mind until its completed.

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