Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Artist Statement thoughts

Artist Statement in the making

What comes to mind when I think of Art?

Ideas, knowledge, curiosity, passion, expression, feeling, dramatic, documentation, observation, investigation, materialization, wonder, mystery, process, problem solving

Art is made of inspiration, questions, our influences, and our environment that helps to create us, the right brain

Themes that come up in work repeatedly - movement, environment, and psychology

I enjoy creating art because it feels rewarding and I gain a sense of release from the act of it

The evolution of my most recent work is rewarding to me. The evolution of my ideas is exciting. I enjoy watching the process grow.

Before I make art, I have a concept and think of what mediums would be most appropriate to convey it. I go through a series of thoughts when forming the concept. I ask myself why I care about the idea and analyze the origin of its inspiration. It often takes me several sessions of thinking before I actually start the making process. I’ll often sit over a cup of coffee in a local cafĂ© and gain inspiration while I formulate the next step.

Stimulations of ideas- people often inspire me. The psychology, energy and movement are elements I often look towards. Life experiences sometimes creep their way into my work. A current piece of mine is about my daily thought process.

I often enjoy using my physical body as my medium. I’ve been active my entire life and have always felt the need to express in a physical way. As a child I was active in gymnastics and often danced around my home. I’m also interested in using wood as a material. I think it’s a beautiful and strong material.

A challenging way I have used my body as a medium is the fact that I’ve pushed my body’s strength limitations in my pieces.

Fragments/ pieces often come up in my work. Red and blue are common colors that show up in my work.

I rarely work in series. I often have one large piece for each concept. I would like to make a strong series eventually.

I often make art in the space it will be installed. If it’s a performance, I often practice it in the space it will be shown. I also like to sketch in public places from time to time.

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