Monday, April 30, 2007

Final Artist Statement

As an artist I use empathy as a means of purpose in my work, making connections between us and the environment. Discovering and reacting to relationships that exist in our world is imparative to my inspiration, as well as using the expression of conflicts within the self as a theraputic form. My interest in psychological, societal and environmental issues causes further discovery during creative process. I apply and present personal situations in a clear way to induce empathy with viewers. A recent installation of mine consisted of a tree made primarily of beer, wine and liquor bottles, referencing alcoholism internally and environmentally. The artmaking process has practiced and continues to practice my patience and problem solving skills. Transitions of conceptual choices throughout the process challenges and fuels my self determination molding my learning process. I often get excited when I have a particular vision in mind and the challenges of reaching that vision fuel my will to create it. A piece's meaning can form during as well as after I've created it. Overthought of my concepts before creation can hinder the natural evolution of my work. I experiment with new mediums to my work, which exists in forms such as installation, performance, 3D as well as 2D. As an artist its important to expose myself to new challenges and forms of expression. As an artist, I induce an awareness of empathy and proactivity in the resolution of conflicts both personal as well as societal.

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