Monday, April 2, 2007

Nicest Guy ever

So I've been going to the local bars quite a bit lately. I've been going in and asking if I can have some empties. Preferably large bottles since I've been cutting them in half. There has been quite a bit of communication. Most of the time's I've gone, they've told me to come back the next day and they'd have some ready. Today the bartender at Flan O Brian's came to work to find the box he set aside for me was thrown out. I was surprised at how pissed off he was. He cursed a little. Then, he made me a promise. He said his girlfriend is an alcoholic and drinks a lot of wine. I'm jk he didn't say she was he just said they have a huge bin at their apartment full of about 50 bottles of wine they've been meaning to get rid of. He's going to actually bring them to Mass Art for me tomorrow! I hope it works out. I'm really grateful. Also Ulio keeps thinking of better ways for me to construct this piece. He suggested I take the chicken wire off and glue 1/2 bottles to themselves around the wooden structure. So today I got some wood from Nicole Pierce from SIM who is giving away wood she used in her thesis. Awesome Free materials yay ok thats all I have for today I'll post pics soon.

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