Thursday, February 1, 2007

Glass Trees

The Idea for my semester long project was inspired by Cornelia Parker's piece called Hanging Fire. She creates new meanings by using pieces of evidence. Parker reconstructed the woodburnt pieces by haning them so they appeared weightless and energetic. I really enjoyed the fact that she used fragments of a distaster to create something beautiful. Living in the city, I've noticed an abundance of glass liquor, wine, and beer bottles on the ground. Often times left under trees these bottles could be considered an inorganic or part of our landscape. They are evidence of Boston's night life as well as day life. They are also evidence of events experienced by the people who've left them. Having said that I was thinking of taking pieces of these glass bottles and forming them into an installation of life size trees. I want to transform them into a surreal landscape. Trees have always been beautiful to me. I've always been captivated by the beauty of thier characters. I'm excited to take this project on. It will be an exciting challenge to work with glass in a sculptural form.

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