Friday, February 16, 2007

Reasearching Joan Fontcuberta

Topics approached: Joan Fontcuberta is a spanish photographer who touches on the knowlege of people. He plays with our perceptions and deals with the notion of reality.

How is their work connected to a larger context? His work is connected to where we live. In his work he uses the placement of our mind and memory. The context his work is connected to is earth as our world and how we react to it in terms of the definity of knowing.

How does he present his work? Form: His form or used material is digital photography, photograms,. Content: Joan's work includes topics such as science, art history(particularly his favorite Spanish artists), and human perception of place/environment and fiction.

Concept: Joan Fontcuberta's work is primarily based on reality as we know it or think we know it. He transforms data from familiar objects into fictional imagry.

Methods: In his piece "Landscapes of Landscapes", he used data of various images including maps, as his source material and translated them into fictional digital landscapes that contain an extremely crisp quality. He also takes close up shots of various body parts and uses their data to creat beautiful mystical landscapes.

Impressive: The process of Fontcuberta's work is impressive to me. It must be challenging to transform images to such an extreme using exact data from the source material. The asthetic quality of his images are also exciting.

His work adds an interesting contratdiction to the notion "seeing is believing". As a fairly gulable person, I often believe realistic looking images. I often read them as honest representations without questioning thier reality. His work reminds me that I should constanly question what I see. The playfulness Joan's work is very attractive. His recreation of information changes the definition of the product. His work makes me think of our environment in a new light. It reminds me that our knowlege of matter can carry several definitions.

Sources: Periodicals: Art Papers 30 no3 My/Je 2006 pgs. 25-7
Art Press no 314 84-5 JI/Ag 2005
Internet Sources:

1 comment:

Job AD said...

I found a great interview with Joan Fontcuberta on ArtKrush. Check it out.